Emergency medical conditions: call 9-1-1
Communities without 9-1-1 service: Consult your phone directory
Non-emergency health conditions and questions call Health Links-Info Sante: 204-788-8200 and (toll free) 1-888-315-9257
Manitoba Suicide Line (toll free): 1-877-435-7170
Klinic Crisis Line: 204-786-8686 and (toll free) 1-888-322-3019 and (TTY) 204-784-4097
Manitoba Farm, Rural & Northern Support Services Stress Line (toll free): 1-866-367-3276
Manitoba Farm, Rural & Northern Support Services Online counselling: https://www.supportline.ca/
Kids Help Phone (toll free): 1-800-668-6868
Mental Health Crisis Response Centre: 817 Bannatyne, Winnipeg; attend in person
Winnipeg Crisis Service: 204-940-1781
Winnipeg Youth Mobile Crisis Team: 204-949-4777 and (toll free) 1-888-383-2776
South Eastman Crisis Line and Mobile Crisis Services: 204-326-9276 and (toll free) 1-888-617-7715
Interlake-Eastern Regional Health Authority Mobile Crisis Services: 204-482-5419 and (toll free) 1-866-427-8628
Prairie Mountain Health Regional Health Authority Crisis Services (toll free): 1-888-379-7699
Prairie Mountain Health Regional Health Authority Mobile Crisis Unit: 204-725-4411
Southern Regional Health Authority Crisis Support: 204-326-9276 or (toll free) 1-888-617-7715